Category: Uncategorized

Evaluating “Electrify Everything” and Its Effects on Reliability, Affordability, and Sustainability

Producing and using energy isn’t a simple process. For instance, magic doesn’t charge your phone whenever you plug it into an outlet. There are lots of actions that take place to generate the electricity needed to charge your phone. When thinking about how we make and use energy, policymakers must weigh the costs and benefits across three key criteria.

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Issues Impacting the Energy Industry: Only a Balanced Energy Portfolio Will Work

In 2023, Pew Research Center polled 10,329 Americans seeking insights into what society thinks about Rapid Energy Transition (RET) and replacing our carbon-based energy system with a renewables-based system. While Pew’s big takeaway was that “Majorities of Americans prioritize Renewable Energy, Back Steps to Address Climate Change,” the details indicate something a different.

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