The Let’s Clear the Air podcast is back for season two with an exciting lineup of guests set to come on and discuss the future of energy. In this episode, hosts Adam Murray and Dr. Andrew Parker look back at favorite moments from season one, the state of the broader conversation about energy, and discuss what’s to come on the podcast in the year ahead.
“One thing we’re going to do is bring on someone who is middle of the road on climate,” Parker said. “Not someone who’s going to come in and tell us we’re all going to die in 10 years, and not someone who’s going to come in and tell us science is a giant hoax. But let’s have a real fact-based conversation and level set. There have been some interesting advancements in science that have come out in the last six months about the state of the climate system.”
"One thing we’re going to do is bring on someone who is middle of the road on climate”
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